Wilma van Esch


Children see, children do

As teachers and educators, we are role models for children, whether we want to be or not. We inspire children by who we are and how we act. And children are great imitators. We know it takes a village to raise a child: how inspiring and encouraging are we in helping children find their own voice?  

If we want all children to find a voice in their own language, it is also good to look in the mirror once in a while.

This workshop is about being yourself as a teacher and educator and daring to show up.

And think about what children see when they look at us. What do we radiate, what languages and expressions do we use?


Wilma van Esch is an ecological pedagogue and has been involved in the further development of Scoala Babel for many years.

In the Netherlands, she guides professionals from daycare to university in looking at quality and development.

Together with Prof. Laevers, she wrote two books on seeing and appreciating competences in (young) children.

Other Experiential Learning Facilitators

Ludo Heylen
Suze-Roelofs Emonds
Tom Govaers
Our Contacts
0787 564 463
Strada Phoenix 42
Our Contacts
0787 564 463
Strada Phoenix 41

© StorySeed Storytelling and Experiential Learning Festival