StorySeed Schedule

StorySeed Schedule

Day 1 - Storytelling for All/The Art of Storytelling for Everyone

Day 1 - Storytelling for All/The Art of Storytelling for Everyone

09:30 to 13:00


Storytelling in Native Language

Storytelling workshops for children (7-11 years old) hosted in Hungarian, Serbian, Ukrainian, and Romanian languages, followed by expression workshops with artists specialized in various artistic fields (dance, painting, modeling, theatre, creative writing, music, drawing, sculpture)

Storytelling în Native Language (Hungarian, Serbian, Ukrainian)
9:00-9:30 Registration
9:30-10:15 Storytelling Workshop

Storytelling in Romanian

10:00-10:30 Registration
10:30-11:15 Storytelling Workshop

Limited places for each language

11:30 - 14:30


Storytelling in Foreign Language

Storytelling workshops for children and youth with an intermediate understanding of the language of the specific show: English, French, Spanish, Italian, German. The shows are followed by expression workshops with artists specialized in various fields (dance, painting, modeling, theater, creative writing, music, drawing, sculpture).


Storytelling în Foreign Language (English, French, Spanish, Italian, German)

11:00-11:30 Registration
11:30-12:15 Storytelling Workshop


Limited places for each language

16:30 - 18:30


The Role of Storytelling in Education

Panel discussion with storytelling artists from 11 European countries on the role of stories in the socio-emotional development of children and storytelling as a tool for expression and learning.

Limited places available 

18:30 - 20:30

40 RON

Storytelling Show for Adults

Roots and Wings
A storytelling evening
Reinterpreting the Feminine

In this event Maja Bumberák will share stories of different cultures and times: stories about women showing
great composure, humour and resourcefulness. In this program, we will experience the journeys of goddesses
and ordinary girls, women of varying status and position; all of them calling our attention to the many ways
female strength can manifest itself.
By seeing them in these different roles, and their uniqueness in the midst of even the most ordinary situations,
we are reminded that there might be more strength and beauty hiding within us than society or ordinary
narratives tends to recognize.
Maja will intertwine Native American, Japanese, Gypsy, Hungarian, and Indian tales and myths with songs,
calling us to find the treasures in our stories and ourselves.

Limited places available 


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Day 2 - Learning experiences

Day 2 - Learning experiences

10:00 - 16:00


The Art and Craft of Storytelling

Workshop for artists and teachers interested in practicing the art of storytelling. The workshop is led by Hungarian artist Maja Bumberák.

Limited places available

18:00 - 20:30


Stories about Creativity in Schools - Introduction to Experiential Education

Invited educators from Belgium and the Netherlands alongside the teachers and children of Babel provide a memorable introduction. The introduction will regard the effects of experiential pedagogy on the creative development of each child (Babel campus)

Limited places available

Day 3 - Experiential Education Workshops

Day 3 - Experiential Education Workshops

10:00 - 17:00


Workshops of Choice


with specialist educators in experiential learning invited from Belgium and the Netherlands (Suze Roelofs, Tom Goevers, Ludo Heylen, Wilma van Esch)

10:00-10:40 Plenary presentation: The power of imagination in an education inspired by life – Ludo Heylen (author of the essential books of Experiential Education)

11.00 -13.30 Workshops at choice (each participant can choose one of the following):
– Suze Roelofs: Learning as the Process of Impression-Expression
– Tom Goevers: Perspectives on Understanding Neurodiversity and the Role of Imagination and Expressiveness for Children with ADHD
– Ludo Heylen: The Significance of Divergent Thinking and Creative Problem Solving
– Wilma van Esch: The 100 Languages of Expression for Children and Teachers

13:30-14:30 Lunch Break

14:30 -17:00 Workshops at choice (each participant can choose one of the following):

– Suze Roelofs: Learning as the Process of Impression-Expression
– Tom Goevers: Perspectives on Understanding Neurodiversity and the Role of Imagination and Expressiveness for Children with ADHD
– Ludo Heylen: The Significance of Divergent Thinking and Creative Problem Solving
– Wilma van Esch: The 100 Languages of Expression for Children and Teachers

Limited places available 

Buy weekend pass here »

17:30 - 18:30


Tour of the Babel Campus


with explanations proved by Monica Diaconu regarding the application of experiential learning principles in the day-to-day practice of Babel School

Limited places available

Buy weekend pass here »

Day 4 - Re-imagining Education - 100 languages of children

Day 4- Re-imagining Education - 100 languages of children

10:00 - 13:00


Workshops for Teachers


Workshops and collaborative spaces for teachers to find practical solutions for integrating as many forms of children’s expression as possible within educational environments

10:00-10:40 Plenary presentation – The concept of Talent Archipelago in Experiential Education

10.40 -13.00 Practical workshops on how the Talent Archipelago is used within schools in Belgium, the Netherlands and Romania

Limited places available

Buy weekend pass here »




Closing Session StorySeed


Limited places available


Buy weekend pass here »

Buy your pass

Buy your tickets here

Our Contacts
0787 564 463
Strada Phoenix 41
Our Contacts
0787 564 463
Strada Phoenix 41

© StorySeed Storytelling and Experiential Learning Festival