Alla Goeksu


I come originally from Ukraine. After I had finished my teacher education in Ukraine, I emigrated to Germany and had to study again.

For more than 15 years I have been teaching English and Mathematics at a comprehensive school in Hanover. Working with very diverse students with different cultural backgrounds and different disposition in learning, I have to be very flexible to meet the needs of all students. I constantly experiment in my lessons, trying to create the most appropriate learning environment for every student. After neumerous workshop on “storytelling“ I have started to implement first steps which help me to reach this goal.

From 2015 to 2019 I coordinated the work of Migranetz (a network for teachers with migration background) for the Ministery in Lower Saxony, Germany.  

Though have been living for more than 20 years in Germany I have never forgotten where I come from. My roots are in Ukraine and I identify myself with the whole nation who is struggling for freedom and against the aggression of the totalitarian regime of the neighbour country.  I cańt struggle with weapons but do it with words instead.

The work of David Heathfield, a well-known storyteller from Great Britain, has had a great impact on my work as a teacher and predetermined my way as a storyteller. The results of this work can be found in the chapter „Storytelling for diverse voices“, which we both wrote in 2020 for the book „Creating an inclusive school environment“, published by British Council.